Saturday, January 16, 2010


went to a family wedding in january, which was bizarre enough on its own. . .( I contend that artists don't have to get married. . .because everytime you have a solo show, you are the bride! . . .plus you don't have to wear that stupid white dress : ) anyhow, adjacent to the hotel was a really strange casino. . .open 24 hours. all day and night interesting characters trailed in and out through a side elevator. finally my husband, a few cousins and I went to check it out. it was dark with funny corporate lighting. it was a labrinth of bar stools that sat in front of flashing graphics. not a lot of talk.

I kind of fixated on a particular elderly woman shown in this photo. . . decked in pearls and her hair swept up, she unceremoniously gambled at a game called "diamonds."


I love this clipping. it would make such a great billboard. . .or otherwise large graphic. . .the wooden frame and gold plate is just so classic. . .so corporate. . .

here's the original clipping. . . I like this crop the best, which is an unfortunately unreadable size on this blog.

I often notice those depressing employee-of-the-month photos at the grocery store. . . at Publix they tone the images with an interesting nostalgic brown tint, same wooden frame. . . does anyone ever really feel good about these kind of empty tropes of recognition? compared to celebrity success posted on all the racks at the check-out, these real life success stories seem like a cruel joke. . .